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Lifecycle Support
Preventative Maintenance and Tech Support
Preventative Maintenance
Multi-Point Service covers all high-failure components
On Your Schedule
We work around you to avoid costly downtime
Cost- Saving
Find the problems before your machine is down
If you don't schedule time for maintenance, your Robots will schedule it for you. Avoid costly down-time in the future by fixing the simple issues now.
Our Multi-Point Service includes:
Replacement of all Backup Batteries
Replacement of Controller Fan Filters (when applicable)
Exterior damage inspection
Operator Panel Inspection
Teach Pendant Inspection
Inspection of Visible Cables
Visual Check of EOAT
Physical Axis Check for Grease Leaks & Excess Backlash
Axis Joint Lubrication - with check for metallic content
Zerk Fitting Lubrication and Cap replacement
Plus, you’ll receive a comprehensive report detailing all maintenance work completed, a predictive analysis showing areas of failure risk and highlights of suggested repairs to optimize performance and reliability.